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Groin Hernias

  • March 5, 2023


Hernias are abnormal profusion of the internal contents of abdominal ( visceral cavity)  from the muscular defect in the body. There are various types of hernias which are divided basically on the site of the hernia in the body and the organ/ contents involved in the hernia. 

The hernia occurring in the groin region of the body is defined as groin hernias which are among the most type of hernias in the body. They are most common in males patients with old age though it can seen in paediatric child age group which are defined as congenital inguinal hernias. The groin hernias are further divided in to inguinal hernia, femoral hernia and obturator hernia. 

Common causes and risk factors for groin hernia 

  1. old age 
  2. Smoking leading to weakness of collagen of body 
  3. Chronic constipation and prostatic enlargement.
  4. Chronic cough 
  5. Congenital and anatomical defects in inguinal canal
  6. Heavy weight lifting/ labour’s which deal with heavy weight on routine basis
  7. Collagen deficiency disorders

Common symptoms of groin hernia 

  1. swelling or bulge in the inguinal and scrotal  region 
  2. Swelling increased with straining and decreased with lying down 
  3. Continuous dull aching or dragging pain in swelling 
  4. Severe pain in case of contents of hernia getting obstructed 
  5. Symptoms of complications associated with contents of hernia such small intestine, large bowel and urinary bladder 

Diagnosis and investigations 

These symptoms should not be ignored and you should meet your surgeon/ clinician for further examination. Since, hernia is a clinical diagnosis based on the examination of the patient, only routine investigation like blood tests, ultrasonography of the abdomen is done to rule any other associated problems of abdomen. 

Treatment of groin hernias 

The only treatment of hernia is surgery which is done by minimal access methods( laparoscopic/ robotic surgery ) at many hospitals across the world. The routine conventional surgery is also been practised at various centres. Laparoscopic surgery gives an advantage of early recovery to the patients, painless procedure , minimal scar and patient returns to activity with in 3-7 days of surgery . 

Congenital paediatric hernias are also manages by simple surgery cakes as Herniotomy/ laparoscopic Illinois-pubic tract (IPT) repair which is routinely done on day care basis. Hernia surgeries are practised on day care basis or patient is discharged in 1-2 days. Patient can consume normal diet from the next day of surgery.

To consult with best team of general and minimal access surgeons available at  The Surgeons House (SHL) in different global locations, please click this link for more details. 

2020-05-22 21:44:13
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